Stress Management

4 Grounding Tools for Managing Your Stress

What comes to mind when you hear the term “grounding”? A punishment from your youth An electrical wire in physics ...

Knowing how to manage stress vs managing it

Have you ever known how to do something – like you could explain it and teach it and fully understand...

Toxic Positivity vs Positivity for Stress Management

Stress, especially in the SLP and Helping Professional world, is a common thing and something that you have probably struggled...

What is “Toxic Positivity”?

As a Stress Management Coach and Mindfulness and Yoga Teacher, I love sharing how positivity can help to manage stress...

How to add in Mindfulness when you are already overwhelmed

Let’s face it, things are continuing to be stressful, and every time it seems you might catch a break, there...

Focus on What is Working for Less Stress

Ever feel like stress is just always there? Like it’s just hanging out, ready to find you in a moments notice?...

4 Ways to Sneak More Gratitude into Your Day

Stress is, unfortunately, inevitable. Deep down, stress is a good thing. It keeps you alive, keeps you safe, and helps...

3 Ways to Have a Better School Year

With many SLPs facing back to school time – either as school-based SLPs, parents (that’s me!), or just community members...