Pumpkin Pie Pinterest

This season is all about the grounding flavors and spices of the Fall. While these flavors can be comforting, the season itself might have you feeling frazzled with all there is to do. You might even a little like you just want to curl up on the couch and check out for a bit, especially as the days grow darker. All in all, there can be an imbalance in your energy levels, which can make it difficult to maintain the energy you need for your work day, or to really fuel your day (something we talk a out a LOT in SLP Stress Management).

One simple way to make sure you get a lot of nutrients in a quick, portable meal (or snack) is to make a smoothie. This season, pumpkin pie smoothies are a great way to get the nutrition and fuel you need, while also taking advantage of those warm, comforting flavors of the Fall. It whips up in just a few seconds and you have a nourishing smoothie you can take with you on the go. If you need extra time, especially if you make this in the morning, you can prep your ingredients the night before, pop them in the blender when ready and blend it up in no time.

Pumpkin is a fantastic source of iron and fiber, and is said to be healthy for your heart, digestive tract, and even help prevent cancer. This smoothie recipe pairs all of these benefits with protein from high quality yogurt and natural sweetener from maple syrup. It blends together quickly and tastes just like a scoop of your favorite pie.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Makes 1 large smoothie

1 cup pumpkin puree

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (plain, vanilla, or coconut)

3/4 cup vanilla, unsweetened almond milk

1 frozen banana

1-2 tsp maple syrup (if using sweetened almond milk, leave out)

1/2tsp cinnamon*

1/8 tsp ginger*

1/8 tsp nutmeg*

sprinkle of cloves*

*You can add more or less spices. The more you add, the grittier your smoothie may get. 

Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth. If needed, add more liquid or scrape the sides and blend again.





PS Not medical or nutritional advice.