Morning routine

You may have heard of morning routines before, and felt that either they would be awesome to have, you absolutely love having one, or you in no way saw that happening for you and it’s not important anyway, or somewhere in between.

I am someone that dreams of having a morning routine – I wake up before the kids, do some quiet time (like meditation, stretching or journaling) with my coffee, and then get a little bit of writing and creating done before the kids are awake.

In my mind, I am up before anyone else in the house for an hour or so and then everyone slowly wakes up to a productive, put together, and awake mom. And then I am ready to take on the day and rock it as an SLP, without having to worry about fitting in coffee, moving, getting dressed, journals, etc.

Right now, it is more like, roll out of bed when the baby wakes up or the kiddo comes in to my room. Sleepily try to get breakfast, feed a baby, make coffee and then get dressed mid-morning and squeeze all my work into small windows throughout the day, eventually just working at night.

It’s less than desirable. And each day I plan to make it different, but usually end up in the same routine. Change is hard, especially when things are this uncertain (at the time of publication, there is a global pandemic going on).

But on a recent morning, I woke up 10 minutes earlier – not on purpose. I did a quick meditation, got dressed and had more time to get everyone else ready. It wasn’t my ideal, dream morning routine, but it ended up giving me MUCH more time throughout the day, and I could use my energy to do things I wanted, instead of feel overwhelmed, stressed and constantly “behind” (on what, I’m not sure).

I hope to keep this small shift going, and slowly lead to bigger shifts and changes in my morning as I can.

Morning routines are important, even though they sound a little fluffy and superficial, because they can set the tone for your day – either rushed and lacking energy or calm and energizing – and help you to have those small moments to check in, set up your day, and see what you have going on (or do something for yourself), without feeling pulled in a million directions immediately upon waking up.

Here are a few ways to create a morning routine:

  1. Wake up just a few minutes earlier, and then build on it.You don;t have to go all out right now. That amount of overwhelm can set you up for a pass/fail mindset, where you feel like if you don;t do it exactly, then it isn’t worth it at all. INstead, keep building up on small changes that will make it happen easier.
  2. Use the time to check in with yourself. See how you are doing that day, before you have demands from work, family and life floating in. Are you feeling good, tired, stressed, overwhelmed, energized, motivated, etc? From there, you can see what you need from your day and what you can expect from yourself. (it is ok to not be 100%).
  3. Do a little self-care. Move, meditate, journal, create, anything goes here. You could even sit in silence with a cup of coffee or go for a walk in your neighborhood (if it is safe to do so where you live).
  4. Set an intention. You could think of this as a to-do for the day. This gives you a little extra motivation and awareness as you move though, so everything you do can be in alignment with that intention and purpose for your day. 
  5. Get some sleep. I know this sounds counterintuitive to telling you to get up a little earlier. Make sure you are still getting sleep. If needed, go to bed a few minutes earlier. You could maybe set an alarm when it’s time to start getting ready for bed, or decide to watch just 1 or 2 shows in the evening.

Even just doing one of these morning routines can start to create that small shift that leads to you taking charge of your day, instead of feeling like the day is taking charge of you. It can help to better manage your stress and bring you more balance during your day. Start trying them and see what works best for you. Change isn’t easy, but this shift is worth it.

Looking for more resources? Try the SLP Toolbox. It is a FREE resource library full of useful tips and tools, perfect for morning routines, such as meditation and movement audios, journal templates, self-care guides, and daily “must-do” checklists, designed to help you reduce the stress you feel as an SLP.

You can sign up below.

If you are looking to check out more SLP Stress Management, make sure to check out theses courses: SLP PD

Much Love,