yoga and meditation for SLP stress

Stress has a funny way of making everything seem as if it is moving at a faster pace, with a lot of components, and no time for any of them. As an SLP, this stress looks like too many extra tasks, too big of a caseload, too much productivity rates and way too much paperwork. And in 2020, it’s also too many changes thrown at you in a split second.

When stress hits, it can be tempting to try to speed up with it, in order to get more done and have more – more time, more freedom, more ease. But this usually ends up doing the opposite.

Speeding up feeds the stress mode you are stuck in and pulls you deeper into the “Cycle of Stress” (something we discuss within the SLP Stress Management Course).

You end up moving faster, which can lead to mistakes in your work and missing key pieces, mental exhaustion from constant multi-tasking, and feeling more stressed from the rush of trying to do it all. And once you are feeling stressed, it’s harder to turn down the response and switch into a more natural, less-stressed way of life.

One thing that can help you to slow down, when you are feeling more and more rushed, is a steadily-paced yoga practice. And one other thing that can help you even more is pairing it with a meditation practice. This combination of mindfulness practices allows you to tun into your breath, body and mind, so you can unwind, check in, and take care of yourself. The yoga and meditation for SLP stress combo help to reduce and manage it, while dropping you back into the present moment, your body, and out of ruminating or stressful thinking.

One great way to do this is through a “body scan” meditation, followed by a slow and steady flowing yoga class. This combination helps you to start slow, where you can tune into the body and breath, and then use movement to help stay connected to the breath and the present moment. This way, your brain is focused on “now”, you are reducing tension in your body, and you are turning down the stress response as you slow down.

Here is a quick yoga and meditation for SLP stress, available now in the SLP Toolbox, along with other meditation and movement audios, journal page templates, self-care checklists and more.

You can subscribe to this FREE resource library and access this Yoga+Meditation practice below:

If you are looking to dive even further into understanding and managing your stress as an SLP, make sure to check out the SLP Stress Management Online Course, now available in a Self-Study version. It includes the 8-module course, as well as bonus meditation and movement audios. You can find out more details here: SLP Stress Management Course.

Much Love,
