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You’re in the right place for SLP stress management, bringing mindfulness to your speech room, and filling any SLP or speaking needs for your district.

Check out more information below and reach out to jessi@jessiandricks.com with any questions!

Latest Blog

5 Benefits of Using Mindfulness in Your Speech Room or Classroom

Have you ever had a moment when you felt immense pressure, and needed to recall some information (maybe in a...

Gratitude Activities for Speech Therapy

Gratitude season is upon us, with Thanksgiving happening here in the US, and the rest of the holiday season to...

Top 3 Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Your Speech (Class) Room

Want to know what really irks me? When I see things like “mindfulness” being taken out of schools, called “indoctrination”,...

5 Types of Mindfulness Activities to Use in Your Speech (Class) Room

Mindfulness is not something I ever learned about or even thought of using when I started out as an SLP...

4 Pieces of Advice for first time School SLPs and Teachers

Being a school SLP did not go well for me my first time through, or my second. Or kind of...

5 Things that are Working for me as a School SLP

The 2022-2023 school year was my first full school year as an SLP, even though I graduated in 2008. I...

4 Places I’m Making Shifts as a School SLP

As one school year ends and another begins, one thing I am absolutely sure of is that I don’t want...

#1 Thing that made the BIGGEST difference as a School SLP

This was NOT my first year working in the schools, but it was my first year where I really leaned...

Meet The SLP

Hi! I'm Jessi Andricks, speech therapist, yoga teacher, and presenter. I currently work with preschool and elementary aged students, and teach weekly yoga classes to adults - and sometimes kids! I have presented on stress, burnout, mindfulness and more in various state and national conferences, as well as on some of your favorite SLP CEU sites online. My goal is to help others find more joy in and out of their work as an SLP, whether it is through managing stress, incorporating mindfulness into your work, or helping you find more connection in your day to day. Check out a bit more about me and how we can work together below!

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