myths about mindfulness

Mindfulness is pretty mainstream these days. There are apps and shows. Your mom might call you up to chat about an article she read. You might even have your boss recommending mindfulness, even when it seems really impossible to do. Even with this, there are still a lot of misconceptions and myths when it comes to the term mindfulness. 

You may have heard someone talk about these, or you might have a thought pop up in your remind when you go to do a practice or read about one. Mindfulness can still seem kind of out there – some thoughts or comments bring up images of sitting on a mountaintop in silence or pockets full of various crystals. And some just think of someone sitting and meditating for 10 hours a day. (Hey – no offense, I do like some of these, but also find them not always realistic. Looking at you 10 hours a day). 

But it’s not necessarily this way. Mindfulness, by definition, is paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgment. With that being said, there are still a lot of misconceptions, and even myths about what mindfulness really is. 

Here are 5 myths about mindfulness and the truth behind them:

  • It’s too “woo” and new-aged
    • Mindfulness might seem like a new-age or “woo” thing that has to involve a lot of mystical concepts, card readings, crystals, and transcendence, but it absolutely doesn’t have to, and at its core is none of these.(FYI – I love playing around with a lot of these, and do not judge if you use these as a daily practice). And as far as being new-aged, while it might seem like this popped up as a mystical trend, mindfulness is based off of ancient practices rooted in yoga (5000 years old), Ayurveda, Hinduism and Buddhism – long before it became a “woo” and “new-aged” transcendental experience. Which brings me to…
  • It’s a religious practice
    • Sure, but only if you want it to be. While mindfulness and meditation may have come from practices that had religious roots, and many religions have mindful, meditative components (prayers, meditation, reflection, etc), mindfulness as we practice it is not religious based. It is a non-religious, science-backed practice that is designed to help you reduce the effects of stress and build resilience to them, by focusing, in the moment, and without judgment to how you are doing and what you are experiencing. Which leads to…
  • It’s doesn’t work and is not EBP (Evidence Based Practice)
    • This is an easy myth to fall into, and one you might hear a lot from naysayers, or even in the back of your mind. When it is not a tangible, physical practice that you can SEE the results of, it can be hard to know if it is working. I felt this way and wondered about this for a very long time, especially when I was a new SLP (with grad school drilling in the research part of EBP). Where is the research that shows it works?
    • Luckily, over the past decade and even more in the last few years, there has been more and more research to show that mindfulness practices help you to manage stress for the long-term and build resilience to it, so it doesn;t stick with you or take as long to recover from. 
  • It’s too easy/simple:
    • Ah, that’s the mind f*&^ of mindfulness. It is very simple and it is also very hard to do. And it’s even harder to put it into practice, in your day, consistently, in the real world. It’s like when you are working with a student or patient on a specific task and they know what to do and can tell you how to do it, but they just don’t put it into practice or know what to do when it’s time to actually do it. It’s like this – if it was so easy to do, it would already be part of your day. It takes some time and practice to start learning how to use mindfulness and how to make it consistent once you do. It is a process. 
  • It’s only meditation – nothing else
    • This one is a huge misunderstanding! Meditation is wonderful and a huge help for managing stress, and it is a mindfulness practice, but it is not the only mindfulness practice. Mindfulness can be used in any moment and with anything. Meditation is one of the most common and set ways to practice, but you could be mindful while doing the dishes or running or drinking your coffee or journaling, whatever it may be, if you are bringing awareness to it and observing what shows up. 
  • Bonus myth: It’s trendy.
    • This one is a bonus, because it’s not really a myth at all. Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, self-care, all of those are trendy right now. It’s not because they are a fad or a frivolous thing, but because they are so very needed with all that each of us continue to face and have more of each day. 

There you go – myths busted!

If you are looking to dive even deeper into mindfulness, join me in the upcoming workshop “What is Mindfulness” on February 24th, part of The Resilient SLP Monthly Workshop Series (you can also sign up for just this one workshop). 

You can find out more info here:  What is Mindfulness Workshop

Now that you have a few more insights into what mindfulness is and what it is not, I’d love to hear your thoughts: What myths about mindfulness have you heard? Leave a comment below, share on IG, or send me a message to

With Love and Light, 


And if you are looking for some resources to get you started now, subscribe for more info and access to the SLP Toolbox resource library here:

what is mindfulness

Mindfulness has become a common word, and even practice for some, over the last few years. It is normal to hear someone use it or mention it in conversation, or read about in as you scroll through social media. To some it is thought of as a trend or a buzzword, while others have started using it as their way to cope with the ongoing stress we all face. But what is mindfulness, really?

When I was in yoga teacher training, mindfulness was one of the many topics we learned about, specifically how it can be part of your everyday life and not just a piece of meditation or the physical yoga poses you do on a mat. I remember my teacher talking about how you could be mindful while doing the dishes, focusing on what you are doing, bringing your focus and awareness to the dishes and the experiences, and observing what you feel and when your mind wanders. 

I absolutely laughed inside at this thought, because doing the dishes is one of my least favorite chores. And it felt anything but mindful.

I won’t tell you that I used this practice and fell into a deep love and spiritual connection with doing my dishes, because that would be a total lie. But I will say that the anecdote stuck with me, and I was able to try to bring my mindfulness practices out into the world, into my day, and not just those few moments I spent moving and breathing on my mat (because I also was not into meditating at that point either). 

Over the last decade of teaching, my own definitions and experience with mindfulness has grown, as has the research and the mainstream acceptance of it. 

Mindfulness was once a scoffed at concept, saved only for those who were out of touch with reality and the real world, a crunchy no-good-hippy, or simply “woo”. Now it is studied, used in schools, medical centers, and households around the country and world, and can be practiced, often via yoga or meditation, through a variety of apps. 

And I’m sure you’ve heard all this and even tried some of it, or through about it. But what is mindfulness? This thing that we practice now and talk about to help with stress and the challenges of life, what is it?

Mindfulness, at its core, is a non-religious, not-really spiritual, practice of growing awareness, by tuning into yourself and the environment around you. It is the act of going within to check in, but also observing what is going on surrounding you. 

Mindfulness the way we know it comes from a lot of different roots – buddhism, hinduism, yoga, and other ancient practices, but it is no longer religious in nature – unless you want it to be. The way it has been studied and practiced, mostly, in the western cultures, especially over the last few decades and in recent years, is to help reduce stress and be more present and focused. A lot of this is based upon something called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn

In this, mindfulness has 3 parts that define it and the way to bring in awareness. Here is the definition: Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.

So what does that really mean and how do you practice that? 

Let’s break that down and look closer at what is mindfulness:

  • Paying attention on purpose
    • This is all about focusing. Choosing what you are going to pay attention to on purpose, and giving that your attention. In meditation, this would look like having a focal point, maybe your breath or a mantra (inhale, exhale). You focus on this, and pay attention to it, on purpose, because you chose to. And then you keep trying to come back to it. 
    • The fun thing with mindfulness is that it is absolutely ok if your mind wanders away from it. You can always come back – that is the practice part. It’s never about perfection.
  • Present moment
    • The present moment is what is happening now, not in the past or in the future. Looking into the future can start to stir up feelings of stress, anxiety and worry about what might happen or how things will play out, and you end up incredibly stressed about the situation without any guarantee that it will even occur that way. Paying attention to the past can bring up feelings of guilt or shame or anger for things that are not relevant, are not happening now, and that are not part of your life. 
    • Paying attention to the present means you get to check in and see what you need now, to be here now. And it helps you to let go of some of the stress and become more grounded and centered.
    • This might look like a meditation practice where you focus on how your body feels right now, or taking a pause in the middle of your day to see how you are doing in that moment. 
  • Non-judgemental
    • When you pay attention without judging, you are instead observing. It sounds simple, but it can be so very hard to do. You notice if your mind wanders, what your body feels like, the thoughts you have, any thing that happens, without labeling it as right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or harmful, etc. You simply take note, observe what comes up, and let it move on if it does. 
    • In practice, this might look like observing your breath. Iff it is shallow or short, you don’t change it or force it or critique, you simply notice that is what is happening right now. No fixing. You might also notice your thoughts and observe, without labeling them as good or bad. 

So what does that look like in practice? Let’s try a quick practice together. 

Take a moment to get comfortable, either seated or standing or even lying down. Close your eyes if you can or set your gaze on an object. Relax your shoulders away from your ears and let your hand rest in your lap. If possible, breathe in and out through your nose. Bring your awareness, your attention, to your breath. Notice each inhale and exhale, as they come in and out of the body. Maybe start at the nostrils – what does the temperature of the breath feel like? Is it warm or cool? Follow the breath into the body. How does it feel? Short, shallow, deep, full? Simply observe without changing or judging. After a few breaths, shift your focus into your body. Scan through and notice spots that feel tense or tight, or maybe more loose and limber than usual. Again, without judging or critiquing, just noticing what is there. Stay here for a few breaths and then bring your awareness of your thoughts. No judging, just observing. What are the thoughts you are having? Are they slow and steady, sluggish, fast and rapidfire? Acknowledge them as they come in and then let them drift off, without hanging on to them. Start to shift back to your breath, noticing it once again and observing. Take 3 to 5 more rounds of breath and then begin to slowly blink your eyes open and complete your mindfulness practice.

There you go. You did a mindfulness practice where you paid attention on purpose, in the present moment and without judgment. High fives to you!

How did you find this practice to be – easy, difficult, simple, too simple, too challenging? Write some notes about it, leave a comment, or send a message to or DM me on IG @jessiandricks.

I’d love to hear from you!

If you are looking to take a deeper dive into mindfulness, learn more about it, and what it can do for you and your stress, come join me for the upcoming live workshop “What is Mindfulness” on February 24th, 2022.

This workshop is part of The Resilient SLP Workshop Series and Membership, and is available through the membership, or you can purchase this workshop on it’s own. 

The workshop will be held virtually, and will be recorded, in case you are not able to attend or want to watch it again. 

In the workshop, you’ll:

  • Define what mindfulness is and what it is not
  • Learn why it is a foundational tool for managing stress and building resilience
  • Look at ways to use mindfulness in your daily life
  • Try some mindfulness practices and see how they work for you

And, since it is live, you’ll get to ask any questions that you have on the topic, or reach out about specific things you are trying to put into practice in your own life. 

You can find out more info and sign up here: The Resilient SLP

I can’t wait to have you join!

With Love and Light,

PS Not sure about The Resilient SLP or workshops, but want some FREE resources and info to help you get started with resilience and stress management? You can subscribe here for info and access the free resource library.

practice mindfulness at work

Mindfulness is a key piece to managing stress and reducing your risk of burnout. It helps to rewire the pathways in your brain (meditation, specifically), reset your stress response, and shift your mindset and outlook. And, while there are practices that you may be using at home before and after work, you might be struggling with using mindfulness while at work. 

Like, how do you put these into practice within your daily routines and your daily work, beyond the start and end of your day?

Your breaks are far and few between, so cramming each moment with a mindful activity doesn’t always help with stress, and can sometimes make it worse (hand raised over here, because that;s what it did for me). It might seem kind of strange to stop in the middle of a session or your day to meditate for a few moments, because, well, it would be strange to do that. And taking a  pause to journal or deep breathe when a parent or caregiver walks in for a meeting may not be practical (although, those deep breaths can be subtle and undetectable if needed). So how can you actually practice mindfulness while in your work day?

The best way is to look at what you are already doing (whether you consider it to be a habit/schedule to keep or work on), and find ways to infuse it with a more mindful approach. Sounds a little abstract, right? Let’s solidify that a bit.

Here is How to Practice Mindfulness at Work:

  • Notice your autopilot
    • What moments in your day are you walking through without even thinking about them? Sometimes this can seem like a badge of honor. “I can do this in my sleep” type of a thought. And, you probably could. This can be incredibly mindless (opposite of mindful) though, and can lead to a disconnect between you and your work, and the people it serves, without meaning to. Think about being on autopilot for a meeting, report, or therapy session.
    • It most likely happens though in the in-between moments – walking to the mailroom/breakroom, going to get your next patient/student, getting out new materials, entering and leaving work. All of these moments can sometime breeze passed you without you even realizing, and can be an opportunity for you to be present and more mindful for them.
    • Instead of autopilot, recognize when it happens (that brings awareness), then feel your breath, notice your thoughts, and feel your feet on the ground. 
  • Mental Check-In: 
    • This can seem similar to the “auto-pilot”, but it’s not quite the same thing. A Mental Check-In is kind of like a break or pause, where you just stop to see how you’re doing and what you’re feeling. It seems kind of simple and almost silly, but it can be one of the biggest tools and things that you are not doing (because most of us aren;t taught to do it). 
    • A check-in helps you see where you are today, and what you can expect, realistically, so you don’t aim for perfection, feel frustrated, and berate yourself internally when you ”fail”. It gives you awareness of what is going on with you and for you that day, so you can use it to see how you’d show up and how things might affect you during your day.
    • And the bar NEVER has to be at 100% here.
    • You can take a moment during your day and just pause to ask yourself “How am I today?”. 
  • Find some quiet: 
    • It is so simple, but not done enough. Especially in the world of being an SLP or Helping Professional. You communicate and process things ALL DAY, which means that quiet rarely happens, either externally or internally. Taking a moment, even a minute, to just sit in silence can do so much to help you reset and recharge.
    • You can simply sit for a little while with some quiet (not even meditating, just sitting in silence), or try a few other things that are quiet – turn off the lights, breathe deeply, stretch, check-in with yourself, sip some water, meditate, etc.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, and it can be the start to help you build to more as you grow. Make sure to take care of yourself where you can – move around a little so you don’t get stiff or tense (that can add to mental tension, too), hydrate, caffeinate if needed (and maybe rehydrate), eat something so you can think and feel better, and speak kindly to yourself.

Which mindfulness practice are you going to try? Share in the comments or post about it in your IG stories and tag me @jessiandricks , or send an email to to let me know how it is going.

Also, do you want to learn how you can become more resilient as an SLP? The Resilient SLP is now open for enrollment. You can find more details about this monthly workshop series, and snag some FREE resources, by subscribing here (it’s free and I promise not to spam you): The Resilient SLP Info.

With Love and Light, 


step away from work or not

I was recently asked this question by a fellow SLP…

This year has been so overwhelming I’m thinking of taking time off from being an SLP. I know your platform is a lot of stress management and prevention but did you feel some time away gave you a fresh perspective?

When I was in my third year as an SLP, I had worked in 4 different settings; had anywhere from a 15 minute to a full hour commute (before traffic); had been fired, laid off, and quit due to legal issues; and went through 4 different CF supervisors before earning my CCC-SLP. Looking back, it is no wonder I hit burnout hard and found it nearly impossible to recover. Any one of those things would have been overwhelming, while learning to BE an SLP, but all of them combined was a real poo-storm of a few first years. 

It wasn;t all terrible. I really enjoyed a lot of the facilities I worked at and had wonderful co-workers. I had people there who supported me in my early career and who believed in me as a clinician. There were a lot of really good times and things I loved and learned so much from. And there was a lot of frustration that built up and became all I could see after a while. 

So, I quit in order to teach yoga and swore I would never return (which, of course, I did after 5 years away and some life changes). 

This isn’t meant to be some “and look how far I’ve come” story – because it is not that. It is more of would I do it again or do I recommend it to others……..not necessarily.

One question that I get asked a lot, and was asked recently, is if I think a person should leave their SLP (or other Helping Profession) job due to the overwhelming stress, or if they should stay with it. It is one of the toughest questions to answer, so here are my thoughts on it, especially with the extra demands and ongoing stress (and triggered stress response) of the pandemic. Do I recommend it? For some, it is not needed and other things would help, but for some people it is absolutely what is needed. It really depends on a few things that you would know better than me. But there are some ways to figure out which is for you.

Should I take time away from my work as an SLP or Helping Professional?

Here are some things to consider when deciding to step away from work or not:

  • Have you really and truly tried to manage or reduce your stress?
    • It sounds mean and a little like it’s all on you. That is not quite how it is meant to be. Here is the truth, even when you want to change, it is really hard to undo the patterns and habits you have been using and living with. It doesn’t matter if they are working or good for you. They are familiar and change is hard and it is scary. So, you have to ask yourself, have you really tried? If yes, have you given the tools time to work and time to work through them?
    • If you have done that, and have been working to reduce your stress, but it still seems to be on the rise and work is the main source, then it might be time to step away in order to better manage your stress.
  • What do you want from stepping away? 
    • Another big thing to look at is what you want when you step away. If it is to take time to reflect and work through stress, and you are unable to do that with the overwhelming amount of work you face,  then taking the time to step back might be exactly what is needed. If you are unable to have a moment throughout your day to pause or breathe or stop working, mentally and physically, then taking a step back might be the best bet. 
    • If taking a step back is to have the stress instantly go away, it is probably not a realistic thing to do, or at least not the only thing to do. 
    • If you step away from your work, without managing your stress, it will not go away (exceptions of course for toxic workplaces). Yes, it might feel great to be free from those obligations. That will make the stress feel like it has lifted, and a little bit may have. But it does not help you to turn down the stress response or give you tools to reduce and manage it in the future. It teaches you to keep leaving when things are overwhelming, not what to do when they are. And it will show up quickly in the next setting or when the next stressful thing passes by you. Managing your stress helps you to turn down the stress response, so it doesn’t keep taking over and keep you in overwhelm. 
  • Do you have a plan for the next step?
    • Yes, taking time away usually means time to recharge, regroup, and step away from the productivity hamster wheel you are currently stuck on. But – it can lead to more stress and overwhelm if you do so without some sort of plan or next step. 
    • Before you step away, if you decide to, ask yourself these questions
      • How long will I do this?
      • Is this permanent?
      • What do I want to try to do instead or for a while?

Now that you have a little more guidance in deciding if you should step away form work or not, start to work through this on your own. Grab a journal or notebook or a blank google doc and ask yourself each of these questions. Write down anything that comes to mind, even if you think it is silly, you’ve never thought it before, or you are unsure of it. Once you get it all out on paper, you can go over it again to help you come up with your plan and next steps. 

Want a little more support? Send me an email and we can set up a time to chat, If you come up with a next step or have a little clarity – share it in the comments or in your IG stories, and tag me @jessiandricks. You can also subscribe here for more free resources: SLP Toolbox

No matter what you decide, it is your decision to make (whether it is the right step for you, for your family, for your future goals and dreams). You’ve got this!

With Love and Light, 


PS Want to do more than manage your stress? Build resilience to it, no matter what is thrown your way. Check out more with The Resilient SLP.

mindfulness when you are already overwhelmed

Let’s face it, things are continuing to be stressful, and every time it seems you might catch a break, there is a new change, a new policy to adapt to, or uncertainty pops in. And, even before a pandemic, there was the stress of work – the balance of therapy vs admin vs life outside of work. The impossibility of getting it all “done” and the schedules that were too full and growing. These last few years have only amplified this.

And, a good thing, is that stress is no longer a hidden, secret word. It is well-known, managers and companies and bosses are recognizing it and trying to do something about it (even when it just looks like words or feels like it’s false), and saying you are stressed out doesn;t mean you are an outcast. It is the reality we all face and are welcome to talk about it.

The downside is that it’s stress. It’s stressful. And it has only grown. 

But you are not alone in it, and not helpless or hopeless. Even with the inevitability of it growing, you can still help to manage and reduce it, and build resiliency to the stress you face. This can be done through practices of Mindfulness and Self-Care. 

Mindfulness/Self-Care can be the thing that helps you be resilient to stress, and it can also be one more thing to do when you are feeling that same stress. It can seem overwhelming, when you are already overwhelmed, and like there is “one more thing” you have to do. This makes it easy to not do the things that will help you reduce your stress, and leaves the stress to grow further. 

So how do you make it a part of your day and daily routine without adding to more stress?

Give these tips a try to practice mindfulness/self-care when you are already overwhelmed:

  • Keep it simple: 
    • It absolutely does not need to be complicated to work – usually the easier, the more effective. Sure, an elaborate morning routine seems like fun and super cozy. It also seems super stressful to commit to and something that can become overwhelming quickly. Stretching, exercising, reading, journaling, getting outside, coffee in silence, a smoothie, and meditating all before your 6:45am wake-up call/get ready for work/kids wake-up doesn’t sound as good though, does it? It sounds hectic AF and like anxiety waiting to happen. Instead, keep it simple, so you can keep doing it.
    • Here are some ideas: Sit to meditate or deep breathe for a few minutes. Make a mental check in to see how you are showing up that day. Set your alarm 5 minutes early and use that time (whether you actually get up or stay cozy in bed) to reflect (write it down or mental note) or an intention or gratitude. Stretch or walk for a few minutes. Drink your coffee/tea in peace and quiet for 5 minutes (although, depending on your household and the people in it aka small children and pets, this might be easier said than done on some days). 
  • Don’t take a ton of time: 
    • While you are keeping it simple, keep it to a few minutes. Aim for 5-10 minutes. This can be added to your routines during the day, or you can wake-up a little earlier, pause before you head into work.
    • Your brain likes consistency, which is why those other habits are hard to break and new ones are even harder to build. So short amounts of time, that you can consistently do, are better than  huge, elaborate, time-consuming moments once in a while. 
  • Add it in where it already makes sense/tag onto another task: 
    • Overhauling can be incredibly overwhelming, and is usually not necessary. So instead of trying to completely revamp your routines and habits (even if they aren’t great), in order to create some mindful moments in your day, try adding them in where you are already doing something. 
    • For example: your coffee/tea is brewing, take those 5 minutes to deep breath, journal or meditate. Driving to work? Listen to a podcast you love. Before you jump in the shower or get dressed, stretch for 5 minutes or do some sun salutations. Tack it onto something you’re already doing, so it doesn;t seem like “one more thing”. 
  • Drop the perfection
    • Oof, that’s much harder to do than to say. But it’s the truth. You don’t have to be 100% at A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G and that includes your (grades and) stress management. Mindfulness is about showing up as you are and observing it, being present to it, and not judging. This builds awareness and helps you move forward with a more mindful mindset. And it allows you to do what you can, when you can, without guilt if you miss out or need to pause for life. 

Now that the overwhelm has been taken out of this, or at least lessened a bit, grab a notepad or sticky notes and write down a few ways you can start to do this. Remember, it’s not about perfection, so, just like with anything you do or teach, brainstorm it first and give some things a try. Come at it from a place of playfulness and exploration, without looking at it as one more thing you have to do, or a way to “fail” at your day.

Then share it with me! I’d love to see what you are up to and trying. Leave a comment below or snap a pic and share in your IG stories tagging me @jessiandricks, or send an email to

Find joy and fun in this, and reach out to me at any time for support. 

With Love and Light, 


PS Want even more ways to add in mindfulness when you are already overwhelmed? Join the FREE SLP Toolbox and get instant access to mindfulness meditation audios, journal templates, and mindful movement audios and videos. Sign up below!

small changes to create big shifts

Recently (solidly over the last 6 months) I started running again. A few times a week, I lug my 2 kids to a nearby trail, load up with snacks (them, not me), and plop them into the running stroller. I put on some music and we start down the trail, 2 miles in a loop. By the end, I am sweaty (even in 30 something degree F weather, and definitely when it’s 90+F) and feel tired but energized. 

It might sound not so fun, but we all really do have a fun time on our runs. 

The thing is, when I started, it was really, really hard to do. 

  • My knee hurt for a month or so the first time I started running again (back in March 2020, so I took a break until the Fall).
  • My feet hurt.
  • I had shin splints for a few weeks. 
  • My legs would ache when I started to run.
  • I would barely get through 2 miles.

Eventually, it started to get a little better – with the help of some new shoes and building up some strength. But, it could have also been really easy for me to feel defeated and not continue. I was running 2 miles, and feeling like I couldn’t go any further, when I used to be able to run half marathons. What was taking me nearly 30 minutes, and a lot of breaks, was something I used to be able to do in 20 minutes or less. 

It was incredibly frustrating at times, but it also gave me a place to work from. 

I could have been mad about a lot of things:

  • My pace was slower
  • My body felt heavier
  • My legs were achy
  • I couldn’t sprint without my legs hurting (and I LOVE sprinting right at the end)
  • I was taking breaks. So many breaks in so short of a time.
  • I was pushing nearly 70-80 lbs of kids and stroller

But I also remembered a few things:

  • It had been 6 years since I had a steady running practice
  • I had 2 kids since then
  • I lived in a place with hills, not Florida or the South Carolina Lowcountry
  • My shoes were really old, and my new shoes need to be broken in
  • I was, well, older…

If I expected myself to be able to get out and run 13.1 miles, or even 4 or 6 miles, then, yes, I was going to be disappointed. It was unrealistic. And, if I set my expectations, or goals, to reach this really big amount of mileage, say in the next month or even year, I might also be really disappointed, or, more likely, I would feel defeated and probably want to give up.

But…if I set my goal at the smaller point, and kept reassessing it as I progressed, I would not only have a lot of wins along the way, I would also increase the chances that I would in fact reach that goal and more.

And that changes EVERYTHING.

Now, I notice how much stronger I feel and how I can really push it to go further or faster. Some days I’m slow and some days I’m fast – especially with the stroller 80 lbs now). But I know that I am always, steadily and slowly, creating small changes and they have led to big shifts.

What does this mean for you? It’s not really about “running” at all. It’s about the goals. 

Setting a monstrous goal does not always work, even if that is where you want to go. It is better to set a small goal, or make a small shift, and continue to make small shifts on top of those, if you want to stay active in reaching those bigger goals. It’s what we do for our students and clients, but we forget to do for ourselves. The simpler the goal, and sometimes more scaled back, the easier it will be to reach and then keep building from there. You can aim for the big goal (say, “r” at the conversational level or running another half marathon), but you don’t reach for that yet. You start with the first steps (“r” in isolation, or running 1-2 miles without stopping), and then work towards mastering those. 

Instead of focusing on the big goal of being able to run the way I used to or to run another Half Marathon, I focused on increasing where I was. I could work towards 2 miles with no breaks, then maybe 3 or 4 miles, eventually 6, and continuing from there. 

This way, I am making realistic goals (like the ones we set for our own students and clients) and creating big shifts from there, instead of looking at where I am and where I wish I was, and not feeling like it could ever be possible.

When you are looking at your own goals, especially towards stress management, incorporating mindfulness, and/or personal development, you might be expecting it to be “fixed” and no longer an issuerightnow. Or at least within the next week or month, and then not have to worry about it anymore. Or not have stress still be prevalent. But it takes small changes first, built up over time, to create those big shifts, and to help those big shifts not be an overhaul that fails after a few weeks, but become a gradual part of your lifestyle. 

You need to find your starting point. Then, you move forward from there. 

Take a moment right now to work through some of these questions/prompts and create your starting point:

  • What is your main goal with your daily stress?
  • Where are you with it right now?
  • Is your main goal achievable and realistic for right now?
  • If not, how can you break it down to the smaller, but very important, starting place? Example: You want to meditate to manage your stress for 30 minutes a day. You currently have tried meditation once for 3 minutes on an app. Jumping into that HUGE goal would be a lot right now, and, most likely, not feasible. How can you break it down? Start with meditating for 3-5 minutes 3-5 days a week. Once that is solid and not even something you think much about, build it up (if you even need to or still want to).
  • What is your action step or plan to make it happen? From The example above: download a meditation app and figure out what time during the day will be consistent and easiest to start doing. 

You can go through these on your own in a journal or notebook, or you can download the guided “Small Changes to Create Big Shifts Workbook” available in the SLP Stress Management Shop.

For more resources, like FREE meditations and movement audios as well as exclusive discounts on courses, make sure to sign up for the FREE SLP Toolbox. A resource library full of tools to help you, as an SLP and human, reduce and manage your stress better. You can subscribe below.

What is your small shift? Leave it in the comments below to help share and solidify it!

Much Love, 


anchored breathing meditation

One thing that will always be true, sometimes unfortunately so, is that stress and overwhelm will be a part of life. Even when you have tools to manage and reduce them, they will show up and you’ll have to put what you’ve learned into practice, or try to find a resource to help you better manage. It can be challenging (sometimes in a good, growth-filled way), and it can also be an opportunity to try out some new skills, or come back to some tried and true ones. For me, it is usually a reminder or indicator that I have stepped away from my routine and my daily habits or self-care, and that is when I know I need to come back to it, to feel better and work through whatever its going on or is off balance. 

When things start to get overwhelming and stressful, one thing you can do is to anchor yourself with your breath. It is a technique that is often used in mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga (more info here). 

This practice helps in a few different ways:

  • It drops you into the present moment, rather than spiraling about a past situation or future issue. 
  • It helps you to focus on one thing, rather than the multiple thoughts and “what-if’s” that overwhelm can bring in. 
  • It helps you to find more calm and turn down the stress response you are experiencing. 

Anchoring your breath is a simple practice of focusing on your breath, in a certain place on/in your body, to help you stay present and focused during a meditation (or yoga or even walking/running/cycling) practice. You pick a spot that you can feel or sense the breath, such as the tip of your nose or nostrils, or the ribcage or belly, and try to maintain your focus as you breathe and sit. Your mind will wander, and the practice helps you to have a specific place to come back to, and focus again, when you notice your thoughts have wandered. 

Here are a few ways to use an “Anchored Breathing” Meditation Practice:

  • Self-Guided Meditation:
    • To do this practice, take a seat, close your eyes and start to pay attention to the breath in a specific spot. 
    • Stay there for about 5 minutes, or go for longer (I like to set a timer if I am doing a solo meditation). 
  • Yoga and Movement:
    • You can also try this during a yoga practice – taking the given pose or shape and then anchor into your breath as you hold or flow through. 
    • You could try this while running, walking, cycling, etc. Find a place to notice and anchor your breath, and then keep that your focus as you move. 
  • Guided Meditation Audio:
    • Sometimes you need some guidance and support to practice. You can always use a guided meditation practice, like the one(s) in the SLP Toolbox or on meditation apps.

Next time you are looking for a tool to help with the stress and overwhelm you are feeling, try an “Anchored Breathing” meditation or mindfulness practice. 

To download an audio version of this, make sure to sign up for the FREE resource library, the SLP Toolbox. You’ll find this meditation practice, plus many more and other resources, to help you better manage and reduce the stress you face as an SLP (and human!). You can sign up below for access:

How do you like to anchor your breath? Nostrils, belly, ribcage? Leave in the comments below!

Much Love, 


practice barre anywhere

When you are stressed out, as an SLP or just as a human, it is easy to start to let go of the things that actually help reduce and manage your stress. You might find that you:

  • sleep less and work later (or earlier)
  • grab convenient and/or comfort foods
  • stay stationary to work instead of moving around
  • skip exercise in order to save time
  • no quiet, reflective time or meditation, instead continuing to push and do more

The things that help you (and your brain) to process, take a break from, and let go of stress are usually the things that seem ore negotiable when you are feeling overwhelmed and short on time. In the short term, this seems like the best idea, it gives you more time to get done the things that are stressing you out and are taking over. In the long run though, this only allows the stress to build up more, your stress response to stay fired up, and for you to continue doing more and more of the things that are stressful It also allows the stressors to affect you more deeply, instead of building up a resilience and having strategies that reduce the stress.

It helps to work with someone or join a program or listen to a course of podcast that can help you make a plan to start doing these things again and using them, even when you are stressed. This can be a way to help you figure out what strategies you currently are using, which ones you are letting go of, and what might work better for your long tern ad short term goals and lifestyle.

These typically include things like movement, meditation, creating more sustainable and nourishing routines, and taking care of yourself throughout the day with better food, quiet moments, and time to move mindfully.

Movement is a great way to help manage your stress, and is often one of the easier things to include or come back to when you have been stressed. You can feel the benefits right away, it helps you to step away from the stress, and helps you to get out of your head and into your body. Plus you might already have a routine to fall back on, a gym membership (hopefully with online offerings), or some streaming services.

One of my favorite workouts, since I can sneak it in with minimal equipment, space and time, (and not a lot of sweat) is a barre workout. The smaller moves really pack in big results, you maintain a mental focus on your body during the workout, and you don’t need much space, so you can do it pretty much anywhere. For years, this has been one of my go-to workout styles to teach and take (along with yoga and getting outside).

Here are a few moves to help you practice Barre anywhere, anytime:

  • Wide Plie
    • Stand with feet wide, toes and knees turned out. Inhale as you reach your arms overhead, exhale as you sweep the arms down and bend your knees. Repeat 10 times.
  • Narrow Plie
    • Stand with your heels together, toes and knees turned out. You can bring hands to your hips or reach your arms out to the sides. Bend your knees as you exhale (it’s a small move) and inhale as you straighten the legs. Repeat 10 times.
  • Single Leg Reach Back
    • From your Narrow Plie, sweep your right leg to the back corner, flexing your foot. Your hand can stay on your hips. Engage the core as you slowly lift your leg up and then tap it down. Repeat 10 time and switch sides.
  • Knee to shoulder
    • Reach the right leg back again and hold on to a chair if needed for balance. Point the toe this time as you lift your leg and hold it up. Bend your knee, so your leg aims towards your shoulder/elbow/side, then lengthen. Repeat 10 times and switch sides.
  • Narrow Plie Reach Across
    • In your Narrow Plie stance. bend into your knees (you have the option of lifting your heels slightly, but keeping them pressed together). Start with your hands on hips or on a chair. Slowly reach your right arm across to the left corner, twisting through the core but keeping the legs still. Then switch, reaching the left arm to the right corner. Repeat 10 times on each side.

You can find an audio for these barre moves (and more) in the “Barre Anywhere” practice, a flowing barre movement audio, available for free in the SLP Toolbox.

The SLP Toolbox is a free resource library, full of practical tools to help SLPs manage and reduce their stress. It is updated monthly with meditation audios, movement audio practices, as well as an archive of journal templates, self-care checklists and more.

Not a member? You can access the library (for subscribers only) by signing up below:

Looking for more ways to manage your SLP Stress? Make sure to check out the following:

Much Love,
