benefits of using mindfulness

Have you ever had a moment when you felt immense pressure, and needed to recall some information (maybe in a debate, in grad school for comps or the praxis, or when your supervisor asked you what your plan was), only to find that your brain emptied out, you felt panicked, and you could not focus, explain, or 

Or maybe you’ve felt that after taking a pause to regroups and find some silence, a cup of tea/coffee/diet coke, or to go outside, you felt completely recharged and able to focus on our work again. 

Perhaps you have felt unsettled, scattered, and like you couldn’t process another single piece of information, but then you got up and moved or wrote down some thoughts or took a few breaths, maybe squeezed a fidget, and felt like you were able to sink into the moment and be present again?

These moments of stress, decreased focus, and dysregulation.

All of this happens to us pretty regularly as adults, and we are learning how to manage this and reduce the overwhelm that comes with it. You have probably had a few of these happen and have tried some of the strategies – either consciously or out of habit. 

If you really take a second to look at them, they are all based out of mindfulness.

And they can help you,a s an adult, but also can help students, who are feeling some of these same pressures, lack of focus, and dysregulation. 

Going through each of these can make it really, really hard to learn – not only due to inability to focus, but the inability to retain the info and use or build critical thinking skills. And if a student is already struggling with language disorder or learning disability, this will only make it that much more difficult.

It is one of the BEST reasons to bring mindfulness into your Speech Sessions and classroom. To help give students some tools to use so they feel more prepared and ready, to the best of their abilities, in their bodies and brains. 

Mindfulness is a powerful resource, made up of many different tools, that helps the brain, in both adults and children, to turn down the stress response, turn back on the parts of the brain that help problem solve, recall, and learn, and to build new pathways that help get these strategies on board even easier. 

Here are 5 benefits of using mindfulness in your speech room or classroom:

Stress: When you think of stress, you think of it as being an adult or late teen/early adulthood issue, and not something that younger children are having to deal with. But, unfortunately, they are, too. It could be stress from the amount of school work, and issue with their peers, or the upcoming testing. When you are stressed, your brain has gone into a “survival” mode, where the parts that process information, help you recall, and store memories and learn new info, are turned down and even can shrink over time. And this can happen for kids with their developing brians, too. USing some mindfulness, such as deep breathing or movement breaks, can help to reduce the stress they face by turning down the stress response and helping those other parts of their brain to  turn on and grow. It could look like taking a few moments to breathe during the day (start or before a big activity) or taking breaks to stretch or get some wiggles out. 

Focus: It is really easy to lose focus, and kids, as I am sure you are aware, have a hard time with this too. It is not always due to an attention deficit or challenge, sometimes it is just a really tiring day. Kids can feel drained and mentally exhausted, too, especially if they are on the go ALL day or don;t have much time to take a break. Or they might be tired, hungry, or thirsty, or need to get up and move, and so they feel more foggy-headed. Mindfulness comes into place in two ways here – you can be mindful (more of a mindset) of these moments and notice them, and then be able to give a strategy. It is also the tool or strategy you can use. Do a mindful activity like deep breaths, going for a walk around the class, or pausing to check in between activities to help give the brain a reset and a break. 

Regulation: When there is a lot of information, or just life, students can feel dysregulated. This doesn;t always mean hyperactive. It can also mean low energy. Either way, they are dysregulated and might start to show “behaviors” in order to try to bring the energy up or down. They might need some kind of sensory input on the regular, or in that moment. Doing something like moving and stretching, deep breaths, squeezing, or belly breathing might be what they need to reset and regulate. (Um, I am totally not an expert in this field and am constantly learning more in this aspect. SO please, be mindful of that fact, and know it is a LOT to learn). 

Language/Communication: Mindfulness helps to turn down the stress response, even in kids, which helps your brain to function easier (as mentioned above). This means that when you are stressed or anxious, it is a LOT harder to use those parts of the brain that communicate and use language skills, such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (which is developing in kids). By using mindfulness, you reduce the stress response, and allow thesis parts of the brain to work at their highest, or at least higher, capacity, as best the student can. It gives them the best chance and the ability to really use these skills. 

Fun! : It might be one of the most important reasons – kids like it and it’s fun! Mindfulness, and the different activities that you can use with it, are a little different and new. It can be fun, exciting in a good way, and give them a moment to pause, reset, and to let go of learning and thinking and just be, so they can come back to the learning feeling fresh and renewed. 

What are some of the benefits you have noticed or wonder about with mindfulness? Share in the comments and let me know.

Ok, now that you are interested and ready to bring this on, want some resources to help you out? Sign up below, by entering your email, and you’ll get access to resources for yourself and that you can use to bring more mindfulness in your classroom or speech room!

With Love and Light, 


decompress from work

Do you ever find yourself just wanting to sit in the quiet with the lights off for a few moments after work? 

If you do, you are absolutely not alone. 

I saw a recent social media post about this from Type.b.slp on IG, and immediately related to it, as did a lot of other SLPs. In fact, I typically keep the lights off in my SLP room when I am writing notes, eating lunch, or just wanting some “quiet” (I have big windows with lots of natural light).

And one of my favorite routines, which I have not been able to do much of lately, is to stop at home before I pick up my kiddo and sit to listen to a mediation audio. It helps me to find quiet, decompress, and shift out of work mode. And I often pair it with a warm cup of tea when I want to feel extra.

These moments of decompression make sense – as an SLP, especially with young students and children, you have to be ON all day long. You are talking, engaging, and bringing the enthusiasm for hours a day, even if it is with breaks in between. And then there are co-workers, families, and meetings, where you get to engage even more. For me – it is the virtual meeting that I find exhausting and “ON”, and I used to work in teletherapy exclusively!

It is no wonder that many of us crave a few moments of silence in the comfort of our own homes at the end of the day. 

This time to decompress brings in much needed balance, which can help you to feel less overstimulated and overwhelmed. When those things happen, your brain has more difficulty processing and it can make it harder to think, to get anything done, or to feel steady – it is more overwhelming and stressful. 

Decompressing can help you to find balance, reduce stress, and be more present in your evenings. 

By definition, decompression means to “let the pressure out” or to “relax and find calm”. And I envision it as just this – a tightly wound up person (SLP) that has been piled on throughout the day, with more weight added to them, and more and more packed into their bubble, until they are about to burst or collapse. Then finally, at the end of the day, the pressure is released (sometimes through a cry or a scream or a letting go of all the steam like a pressure cooker), and they finally decompress and feel right again. 

So what are some ways to decompress?

If decompression means to let go of pressure, find calm, and relax, then any activity that counteracts the pressure of the day, let you relax, and find calm would be considered a way to decompress. It could definitely vary from person to person, but there are a few that could help most or that give you a few places to choose how you take it. 

4 Effective Ways to Decompress from Work

Try these simple and quiet ways to decompress after your SLP workday:

Find quiet

If you are feeling overstimulated and it is hard to think, process, or be around anyone, then finding quiet will help. Chances are, you are dysregulated from being around so much talking and being “on” all day, and you need a little space and quiet to counteract it. 

Try something calm and quiet – a 5 minute meditation, sip a cup of tea and stare out the window (or go outside!), read a book (fiction, preferably, so you don’t feel more overloaded). 

Move your body on purpose

You may have been on the move during the day – up and down hallways – but it is not the same as moving on purpose. If you are feeling that you are in your head, and thoughts are constant, then movement can be helpful. It gets you out of your head and back into your body and the present moment, so you can be present at home and enjoy it more. 

Try some mindful movement – go outside for a walk, try some yoga, swim, go lift some weights, or head to a class – anything that helps you feel better after, rather than more stimulated or tired. 

Brain dump or write about it

If you are feeling that you are really stuck on a thought, it can be helpful to let it out by writing about it. When you write about the thoughts you are ruminating on, it gives them a place to live other than your head, and this helps you to remove the pressure of the thoughts, find some calm outside of them, and can give you something to look back on later if needed – although many times, just getting it out helps you move through it and onward. 

Hobby – let off steam, find balance

It can also be helpful to do something fun, that you enjoy and that gets you in the zone and out of stress for a moment. If you have a hobby that you find soothing, like it resets you, give it a try. It could be writing or moving or reading, but it could also be something like drawing, baking, knitting, building things, etc. If you find it calming and it lets the pressure go, then it could be helpful – but if it stimulates you more and doesn’t bring in balance, try a different thing. 

Needing time to decompress after work is not a bad thing and doesn’t mean you are “wrong” or that your job is awful. Sometimes, it just means you had a lot going on that day, and you need to bring yourself back into balance, using your environment to do so. Take a moment (5 minutes might be all you need!) to let the pressure go, and find some calm and relaxation.

Which one of these are you going to try? Share in the comments below!

Want more resources to help you  let the pressure off and find some calm? Subscribe below by entering your email address for instant access to the FREE resource library, The Resilient SLP Toolbox, featuring yoga classes, meditation audios and more (check your email to confirm!). 

With Love and Light, 


Grounding Tools

What comes to mind when you hear the term “grounding”?

  • A punishment from your youth
  • An electrical wire in physics 
  • A flight not being able to take off
  • Or maybe a less frazzled, scattered, stressed out state of being

In yoga, mindfulness, and coaching, the term grounding often refers to the last one – a grounding tool is something you can use to connect back to the present moment, and reduce the feelings of stress, such as feeling frazzled, scattered, unsteady, and unbalanced. Being grounded offers you a way to come back to your body and out of your head, and, well sometimes, connect with the earth and ground below you for a point of reference. 

Stress occurs when a stressor has triggered a response in your body and brain. This can often lead you to start focusing on the future outcomes, on things in the past that did not go well, and to lose your connection to the present moment, which leads to more feelings of stress and overwhelm. It continues the cycle of stress and keeps you stuck, and growing, in this pattern. 

It also pulls you out of your body – an intuitive place that is part of you and can help you to reduce tension and stress, and be more aware of when it occurs – and keeps you more in your head, where thoughts spiral and stress continues to build.

If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, here are a few practices, using, grounding tools, that will help you reduce your stress, by getting more present, out of your head, and into your body.

4 Grounding Tools for Managing Your Stress

Yoga Poses:

Yoga is a powerful tool for getting back into your body and the present moment. Grounding in a yoga practice focuses on feeling the connection to the earth, or ground, below you in any pose, whether it is your hands, your feet, your seat, or just one foot pressing down into the mat below you. 

The action of breathing and focusing on each pose helps you to get out of your head, focus on your body (and not falling), and keep you in the present moment, which helps to shift you out of the stressful though spiral that you may have found yourself in.

Poses that are good for grounding include standing poses such as Warrior I/II, Mountain Pose, and Triangle; balancing poses like Tree or Head to Knee or even Dancer; and seated poses such as a forward fold, Child’s Pose, or Savasana. 


Getting grounded through breathwork, or Pranayama, can help you to reduce the stress you feel, by sending a calming response to the Nervous System and brain. It also helps you to feel the body and breath in this moment, and to feel the ground below you, where you make contact. 

You can try bringin one hand to your belly and one to your heart, and take a deep breath (a count of 4 or 5 if possible for each inhale and exhale). As you breathe, notice the belly rise and fall, and the seat supported by the chair or mat below you. If your focus starts to wander, that is ok. Shift it back to the sensations of your breath and your body, even if you feel you do this over and over again. Try breathing this way for 3 to 5 minutes if possible.

Mental Check-In

It can be really easy to keep it all in your head – all the schedules, thoughts, stressors, worries – and not really see how you are doing with processing all of that stress. A mental check-in can help you to get grounded by giving you a moment to pause, see how you are doing in your mind AND body, and be more aware of what you need next.

Try stopping for a moute to get quiet, close your eyes and breathe. Notice your body and any tension you might feel, notice your feet on the ground, and then notice any thoughts or patterns that are there. 

Sensory Meditation or Journal

This grounding tool is one of my favorites. A “Sensory” check-in is a great way to get present and grounded, either through a meditation of a journaling practice. 

This tunes you back into the here and now, by noticing the space around you via your 5 senses. 

Try this, either making mental notes (meditation style) or writing them down.

  • 5 things you see
  • 4 things you hear
  • 3 things you feel
  • 2 things you smell
  • 1 thing you taste

Getting grounded, in the balanced sense, is a powerful tool for combating stress and building resilience

Try these out to see which works best for you – it could change depending on the time of day, the need, and where you are. 

Want to practice these grounding tools together and figure out how they can work best in your day?

Join this month’s workshop in The Resilient SLP to explore this further and practice these tools with a guide (me!) and get PD hours. Enter your email below for more info or click here to sign up for the membership.

Which grounding tool works best for you? Share your experience with it in the comments below!

With Love and Light, 


manage stress

Have you ever known how to do something – like you could explain it and teach it and fully understand it in your heart of hearts – but fumble with putting it into practice?

There is a whole field dedicated to this, called Implementation Science, that talks about how to put research and evidence-based practice into use.

And, in a more relatable way, it can be because change is really difficult, even when it is something you want, need, and are excited to do. It pushes you out of your routine and, when you aren’t sure what to do, it feels like a fail before you even begin. 

Recently, I have been feeling this way in some areas and brought it up to my therapist. I shared that I have been feeling really stressed at times lately.

We shifted the topic a bit to what I have been doing for work lately and what that looks like for me in the last few years. So I talked about providing courses, teaching workshops, recording the podcast, etc.

And then I shared a big secret – if my work is based in stress management and I am feeling stressed, and needing help managing it, who am I to coach and teach and share stress management with others?


This thought has been on my brain, especially when I am stressed. And many times it has caused me to back away a bit, because I felt like maybe I was not the right person to share this info or help people understand and manage stress.

I started to wonder if I was a phony, a fake, and totally unqualified. It was Imposter Syndrome creeping in.

So I shared this and my therapist basically gave me a real talk. It went something like  – Therapists go to therapy, too. It doesn’t mean they can’t be therapists, it means they need someone to talk to as well. And even when you “specialize” in something or have an area of expertise or passion, it is ok to flounder in it and not be perfect. It’s part of being human and is ok. You can have knowledge, knowledge that you can share, and not be executing it perfectly. And that is ok. 

It was a big wake up call. 

And, also , a totally “aha” or “duh” moment, because this is something I share in my work all the time, and talk about in workshops and courses.

It is easier to know than to do.

It is easier to understand and have knowledge of, than it is to put it into practice.

My goodness, as an SLP, I absolutely know this and have seen this with students or patients – they know but it is really hard to do in realtime. 

Have you ever felt this way about something, or about your stress?

Knowing how to manage stress is easier than managing it.

Knowing vs Doing is something that I share about in the SLP Stress Management Course, when we shift from talking about what stress is and why it happens, to what to do about it. 

It’s stuff that the members have heard of or done before, but usually are not currently doing, have taken a break from, or aren’t sure where to start. 

Because it is easier to understand than to put into practice. 

In the SLP Stress Management Course (enrollment opens THIS SUNDAY, April 3rd!!) I dive into this topic and you get to create a way to help you move forward, from knowing to doing, without feeling rushed, more stressed, or set up to “fail”. 

You can find out more information about the course, grab a HUGE discount, and learn how to enroll by subscribing to the waitlist here:

For now, here is one step for you to take to start putting your stress management tools into practice:

  • Grab a journal and write down what your current biggest stressor is.
  • What is one practice/tool that you would like to use to help you with this, or with your stress in general. Ex: You want to try a meditation to pause and check in. (Not sure what to use? Check out the tools in the SLP Toolbox, a FREE resource library for subscribers. You can get instant access when you subscribe above).
  • With the tools you are wanting to use or try, what might be difficult about it? And what might make it easy to do? Ex: You want to meditate but aren’t sure how. Downloading an app or using an audio from the SLP Toolbox makes it easier.
  • When will you do this? Having a plan, even if you know in your head when you want to do it, make it more solid and more real. Put it in your calendar or set a reminder. 
  • Give yourself some grace. You are human, not a robot. It doesn’t need to be perfect or foolproof. Just keep moving forward and learning as you go. 

I hope this helps you to get started with your stress management journey. I can’t wait to share more info with you about the SLP Stress Management Course opens for enrollment soon!

With Love and Light, 


toxic positivity vs positivity

Stress, especially in the SLP and Helping Professional world, is a common thing and something that you have probably struggled with a lot in the last two years, and just as possibly before that. Without finding ways to work through and manage the stress, it can shift to full-blown burnout. This is where having some tools to help really comes in handy. 

One of the biggest tools of Stress Management is the use of Positivity. It can help you to shift out of the negative thought spirals, reduce the stress you are feeling, and prevent it from coming back by building resiliency.

But it has to be real positivity to work. Otherwise, it can backfire.

Positivity is sometimes used to tell you to just keep smiling, cheer up, and that there is no use in feeling down. And when you’re stressed, among other times, it can be a really not so great thing. In fact, this “only seeing the positive ” and “maintaining a positive mindset at all times” is known as Toxic Positivity. 

This type of positivity forces you to only look at the good, constantly seek the blessings in disguise, and believe that everything happens for a good reason – even if it includes trauma and incredibly difficult circumstances. 

This is when positivity itself can become not-so-positive.

So, with so much stress and stressful moments, is there room for positivity? Is it even a good thing?

Yes, positivity itself is great. Toxic Positivity is just that – toxic.

According to the site, Toxic positivity is the belief that “no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset. … We all know that having a positive outlook on life is good for your mental well-being. The problem is that life isn’t always positive. We all deal with painful emotions and experiences”. 

This is not the same as “positivity”.

Positivity, by definition, is “the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude”. It is more than just “being happy”. Positivity is being aware and mindful of the positive aspects and moments of your day and life to help cultivate more optimism, kindness, and positive outlook, while in turn decreasing the feelings of negativity, anxiety and chronic stress.

When it comes to Toxic Positivity vs Positivity, one focuses on ignoring, invalidating feelings and creating false reality, while the other focuses on the full picture and perspective.

Here is the thing, your brain is absolutely wired to find the negative and seek out the stress and potential stress around you. And this keeps you seeking more stress and fires up the alarm system in your stress response. That is why once you have one stressful thing, if you aren’t able to process it and move on, it can feel like things start to snowball and there are SO many stressful moments happening, without anything else. 

Toxic Positivity would tell you to stop with the negative and “cheer up!”. It’s not happening and there is no room for that in your life. And, while that sounds great, it absolutely makes you feel like you are “wrong” for feeling stressed. It also doesn’t do anything to address the stress you are feeling and facing, and help manage it. 

Positivity, on the other hand, allows you to notice the stress without ignoring it – because your brain is naturally doing that – AND it helps you to also notice the things that your brain is not focusing on – the good moments of your day, the pieces that are going well, and the things you can learn and use moving forward. 

One says failure isn’t an option and doesn’t happen, the other says I failed, it sucks, what can I learn from this for the next time. 

It’s like Toxic Positivity is “this, but…..” and Positivity is “Yes, and….”. Like, you are experiencing this stress, but look at the good that comes from it. Or, you are experiencing this stress, and look at what you can learn from it. One excludes the stress you are feeling, and one includes it with a way to move forward through it. 

Toxic positivity leaves no room for the feelings of negativity and stress. Positivity knows that you are already seeing and feeling the stress, and helps you see the other pieces as well. 

Toxic positivity is about ignoring the negative. Positivity is about the full picture. 

Here are some common phrases that show Toxic Positivity vs Positivity, one being more of a “toxic” positivity, and the other true positivity.

  • Good vibes only (toxic, because it doesn’t allow for other feelings) vs Good vibes (positive)
  • Everything happens for a reason (can be toxic, especially for trauma) vs How can I find purpose or meaning in this
  • Always look on the brightside (toxic, because it doesn’t allow for other feelings) vs What is going well (positive)
  • Failure is not an option (toxic because no room for other things) vs What can I learn from this (positive)
  • Smile!! Be happy!! (toxic, because, ew) vs Are you doing ok today? I’m here if you need anything. 

Where have you experienced toxic positivity when you are feeling stressed in your life? Sometimes it comes from others and sometimes it comes from our own inner voice and pressure. 

How can you start to make a shift in the language you use, to create true positivity, and lessen the toxic positivity?

Share in the comments below! Or send me an email at, or share in your IG stories and tag @jessiandricks 

For more tools that can help you to shift to the positive and reduce the stress you face, without negating how you feel, make sure to check out the upcoming SLP Stress Management Course. You can get on the waitlist to be the first to know when it opens for enrollment, and get some free resources to use in the meantime, by subscribing below. (I promise, I won’t ever spam you or share your details). 

And if you want more info on stress management, make sure to check out these CEU/CMH courses

With Love and Light, 


toxic positivity

As a Stress Management Coach and Mindfulness and Yoga Teacher, I love sharing how positivity can help to manage stress and build resilience. It is one of the foundational tools. But what about when it becomes “toxic”? When does being positive turn into something known as Toxic Positivity?

Have you ever heard phrases such as “Good Vibes Only” or “Just be Happy?”. These are well-intentioned, motivational phrases that also fall under the genre of toxic positivity. For a long time, I kind of brushed this aside, because I had used them (I have a shirt that says “Choose Happiness” that I sometimes can’t bring myself to wear), and I loved learning about the wonderful effects of positivity on stress and the brain. But there are times when this positivity can go a step too far and become toxic, or potentially harmful.

When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it can feel like there is nothing going right in your life and in the world. Your brain will continue to look for stress, in order to protect you from it, and this can keep you feeling more and more stressed. Often, especially when dealing with perfectionism which is high in the field of Speech Language Pathology, this can make you feel like there is something wrong or that you are “incorrect” and have failed. And then the stress grows a little more.

One thing you are likely to notice when you are stressed, is the type of language and phrases people use to show support or to give you advice, and how these are often not helpful at all. You might hear, from mostly well-intentioned people, something along the lines of “look on the bright side” or “at least it’s not as bad as this…”. These could come from a co-worker, a boss, your parents, a neighbor, or even a good friend, trying to cheer you up. Heck, you might even hear it from yourself.

While these are meant to cheer you up, the truth is, these often have the opposite effect, leaving you more stressed, frustrated, and isolated.

There is this clip from a movie, where one of the characters is going through a hard time, so he calls him mom, and she tells him to “stay chipper”. She means well, but it does nothing to help him out or feel that he was seen and heard.

And this can happen a lot in our own lives.

You tell a friend that you are experiencing something really hard and are very stressed, and they tell you “just smile and feel better”. And it feels as if you are talking to a wall or that you must be wrong in being stressed (which you are not). 

This can happen because instead of acknowledging how you feel and how much that stress must suck, or maybe even sharing that you are not alone and they have been there too (and then, “here is what helped me”), it just makes you feel that you are wrong and invalidates how you are feeling. Like you have a dirty little secret to hide.

The name for this is Toxic Positivity.

According to VeryWellMind, Toxic Positivity is defined as “…the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset.”. With toxic positivity, you ignore the growing stress and carry on as if everything is ok. You “just stay chipper”.

Toxic Positivity can lead to things like:

  • shame
  • guilt
  • frustration
  • isolation
  • more stress and overwhelm

This doesn’t mean that being positive or optimistic is bad or wrong, but that, when it is made to ignore the stress you are facing and only see the good, that it is no longer helpful or a stress management tool.

The phrase “good vibes only” sums it up pretty nicely- only positive and no room for anything else. 

Have you ever experienced Toxic Positivity in your life – from yourself or others? Share your experiences in the comments below. 

With Love and Light (not Positive Vibes Only), 


PS If you are looking to learn even more about Toxic Positivity, how it might be showing up in your own life and work, and how to use positivity to build resilience, without being toxic, join me for the March 2022 workshop “Toxic Positivity vs Positivity” in The Resilient SLP Monthly Workshop Series.

You can find more details and how to join this series here: Workshop

what is mindfulness

Mindfulness has become a common word, and even practice for some, over the last few years. It is normal to hear someone use it or mention it in conversation, or read about in as you scroll through social media. To some it is thought of as a trend or a buzzword, while others have started using it as their way to cope with the ongoing stress we all face. But what is mindfulness, really?

When I was in yoga teacher training, mindfulness was one of the many topics we learned about, specifically how it can be part of your everyday life and not just a piece of meditation or the physical yoga poses you do on a mat. I remember my teacher talking about how you could be mindful while doing the dishes, focusing on what you are doing, bringing your focus and awareness to the dishes and the experiences, and observing what you feel and when your mind wanders. 

I absolutely laughed inside at this thought, because doing the dishes is one of my least favorite chores. And it felt anything but mindful.

I won’t tell you that I used this practice and fell into a deep love and spiritual connection with doing my dishes, because that would be a total lie. But I will say that the anecdote stuck with me, and I was able to try to bring my mindfulness practices out into the world, into my day, and not just those few moments I spent moving and breathing on my mat (because I also was not into meditating at that point either). 

Over the last decade of teaching, my own definitions and experience with mindfulness has grown, as has the research and the mainstream acceptance of it. 

Mindfulness was once a scoffed at concept, saved only for those who were out of touch with reality and the real world, a crunchy no-good-hippy, or simply “woo”. Now it is studied, used in schools, medical centers, and households around the country and world, and can be practiced, often via yoga or meditation, through a variety of apps. 

And I’m sure you’ve heard all this and even tried some of it, or through about it. But what is mindfulness? This thing that we practice now and talk about to help with stress and the challenges of life, what is it?

Mindfulness, at its core, is a non-religious, not-really spiritual, practice of growing awareness, by tuning into yourself and the environment around you. It is the act of going within to check in, but also observing what is going on surrounding you. 

Mindfulness the way we know it comes from a lot of different roots – buddhism, hinduism, yoga, and other ancient practices, but it is no longer religious in nature – unless you want it to be. The way it has been studied and practiced, mostly, in the western cultures, especially over the last few decades and in recent years, is to help reduce stress and be more present and focused. A lot of this is based upon something called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn

In this, mindfulness has 3 parts that define it and the way to bring in awareness. Here is the definition: Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.

So what does that really mean and how do you practice that? 

Let’s break that down and look closer at what is mindfulness:

  • Paying attention on purpose
    • This is all about focusing. Choosing what you are going to pay attention to on purpose, and giving that your attention. In meditation, this would look like having a focal point, maybe your breath or a mantra (inhale, exhale). You focus on this, and pay attention to it, on purpose, because you chose to. And then you keep trying to come back to it. 
    • The fun thing with mindfulness is that it is absolutely ok if your mind wanders away from it. You can always come back – that is the practice part. It’s never about perfection.
  • Present moment
    • The present moment is what is happening now, not in the past or in the future. Looking into the future can start to stir up feelings of stress, anxiety and worry about what might happen or how things will play out, and you end up incredibly stressed about the situation without any guarantee that it will even occur that way. Paying attention to the past can bring up feelings of guilt or shame or anger for things that are not relevant, are not happening now, and that are not part of your life. 
    • Paying attention to the present means you get to check in and see what you need now, to be here now. And it helps you to let go of some of the stress and become more grounded and centered.
    • This might look like a meditation practice where you focus on how your body feels right now, or taking a pause in the middle of your day to see how you are doing in that moment. 
  • Non-judgemental
    • When you pay attention without judging, you are instead observing. It sounds simple, but it can be so very hard to do. You notice if your mind wanders, what your body feels like, the thoughts you have, any thing that happens, without labeling it as right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or harmful, etc. You simply take note, observe what comes up, and let it move on if it does. 
    • In practice, this might look like observing your breath. Iff it is shallow or short, you don’t change it or force it or critique, you simply notice that is what is happening right now. No fixing. You might also notice your thoughts and observe, without labeling them as good or bad. 

So what does that look like in practice? Let’s try a quick practice together. 

Take a moment to get comfortable, either seated or standing or even lying down. Close your eyes if you can or set your gaze on an object. Relax your shoulders away from your ears and let your hand rest in your lap. If possible, breathe in and out through your nose. Bring your awareness, your attention, to your breath. Notice each inhale and exhale, as they come in and out of the body. Maybe start at the nostrils – what does the temperature of the breath feel like? Is it warm or cool? Follow the breath into the body. How does it feel? Short, shallow, deep, full? Simply observe without changing or judging. After a few breaths, shift your focus into your body. Scan through and notice spots that feel tense or tight, or maybe more loose and limber than usual. Again, without judging or critiquing, just noticing what is there. Stay here for a few breaths and then bring your awareness of your thoughts. No judging, just observing. What are the thoughts you are having? Are they slow and steady, sluggish, fast and rapidfire? Acknowledge them as they come in and then let them drift off, without hanging on to them. Start to shift back to your breath, noticing it once again and observing. Take 3 to 5 more rounds of breath and then begin to slowly blink your eyes open and complete your mindfulness practice.

There you go. You did a mindfulness practice where you paid attention on purpose, in the present moment and without judgment. High fives to you!

How did you find this practice to be – easy, difficult, simple, too simple, too challenging? Write some notes about it, leave a comment, or send a message to or DM me on IG @jessiandricks.

I’d love to hear from you!

If you are looking to take a deeper dive into mindfulness, learn more about it, and what it can do for you and your stress, come join me for the upcoming live workshop “What is Mindfulness” on February 24th, 2022.

This workshop is part of The Resilient SLP Workshop Series and Membership, and is available through the membership, or you can purchase this workshop on it’s own. 

The workshop will be held virtually, and will be recorded, in case you are not able to attend or want to watch it again. 

In the workshop, you’ll:

  • Define what mindfulness is and what it is not
  • Learn why it is a foundational tool for managing stress and building resilience
  • Look at ways to use mindfulness in your daily life
  • Try some mindfulness practices and see how they work for you

And, since it is live, you’ll get to ask any questions that you have on the topic, or reach out about specific things you are trying to put into practice in your own life. 

You can find out more info and sign up here: The Resilient SLP

I can’t wait to have you join!

With Love and Light,

PS Not sure about The Resilient SLP or workshops, but want some FREE resources and info to help you get started with resilience and stress management? You can subscribe here for info and access the free resource library.

building resilience

Stress is ongoing and ever-growing. There are tools you can use to manage it and help reduce it. And, while these are helpful and effective, they can also at times lead to feeling more overwhelmed and drained, the very things you are trying to work through, because you are so focused on the stress piece of the puzzle, micro-managing, always evaluating, and always focused on it.

If you shift your focus slightly, you can use these tools and strategies to not (micro)manage stress necessarily, but instead cultivate resilience around it. 

Resilience does not ignore the things that are really hard, seemingly impossible, and absolutely unfair. Instead it keeps you moving forward, not stuck in what is happening, but moving through it, feeling less overwhelmed and weighed down. It gives you hope and a way to take action. 

The APA defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress”. This could be with health, finances, relationships, small stress, major trauma, workplace requirements, all things out of your control, etc.

You feel it, you let it sink in, you maybe move forward or you let it all integrate to become a part of you, and then you move and grow from there. 

Resilience = Your Superpower when it comes to stress.

Before the pandemic, we were facing major stress in the SLP and Helping Profession workplaces, and it has only grown since then.

Even in an ideal world and workplace, stress would come along in some way. So if it its there and that is the reality of the situation (which sucks and is not how any of us thought our lives would go), this gives you a way to utilize it, move through it, learn from it, and come out the other side, a little easier each time. 

Resilience offers a way to work with that stress, not avoid or hyperfocus or micromanage it away. It does not mean you welcome it and are happy to receive it, or that you ignore the not-so-great feeling you have or experiences you face, or that you only see the brightside. It means that you can come back from the stressful moments easier, with less of them staying with you, with less feeling of being stuck in the stress with no way out. 

Here are a few things that building resilience can do for you:

  • Stop the constant managing of stress
    • Instead of constantly focusing on the stress you feel, how much it is growing or not, and if you can manage it a little more, resilience helps to not let the stress affect you as deeply, and continually work through it without your focus having to constantly be on it. 
  • Keep stress from growing
    • Resilience gives you tools to cut through the stress and move forward from it, without letting it continue to grow and overwhelm you. It allows you to build practices that reduce the stress response and shift out of negative thoughts and patterns. 
  • Help you build a foundation of (non-toxic) optimism
    • Resilience is rooted in positive psychology and the practice of noticing what is working, what you can learn, and noticing the positive aspects of your daily life. This helps to build true, non-toxic, optimism, which helps your brain to rewire the stress response. 
  • Help you come back from hard times easier
    • Resilience gives you the tools to notice how you are feeling in those tough and challenging moments, and then use the tools to move through it and come back faster, oftentimes stronger. It is not what you wish the stress on anyone, but that you use the experiences in it
  • Reduce the risk of chronic stress and burnout
    • Resilience helps to lessen how deeply you are affected and overwhelmed by stressors, and keeps them from continuing to grow and build, leading to chronic stress or burnout. 

Now that you have a little better understanding of what resilience is, you can start to bring more of it into your daily life.

What can resilience do for you? Share in the comments below.

If you want to learn even ore and dive deeper into this topic, make sure to check out the “Building Resilience” workshop, now available as a single workshop purchase until January 31st, or available at anytime with a membership to The Resilient SLP Monthly Workshop Series

In the Building Resilience workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore what resilience is and what it means
  • Learn why it is so important when working through stress
  • Look at ways to build resilience in your daily life
  • Practice some resilience building strategies
  • Make a plan for building your resilience

You can find out more details on the series and how to sign up here: The Resilient SLP

With Love and Light,
